Tech Litigation: learn about Mattos Filho’s workgroup
Multidisciplinary group of partners and associates offers clients highly specialized services
For over ten years, Mattos Filho has been involved in the most sensitive and sophisticated litigation cases involving leading companies in the technology sector. The work of the multidisciplinary group of partners and associates from different practices of the firm – Litigation and Arbitration, Technology, Innovation and Digital Business, Intellectual Property, White Collar Crime, Data Protection & Cybersecurity — allows us to offer our clients quality services and a strategic perspective on cases.
We represent the leading companies offering social networking services, private messaging, content hosting, electronic games, video streaming, music streaming, marketplaces, cloud services, and other digital and innovative businesses. We also represent our clients in judicial and administrative cases involving current issues of central importance to the industry, such as moderation and liability of user content, ratings, protection of children and adolescents on the internet, extension of the civil liability of platforms that intermediate the purchase and sale of products and services, liability involving security incidents, among others.
Click here and access the material prepared by our specialists about Tech Litigation.
For more information, please contact Mattos Filho’s Litigation and Arbitration practice area.