This publication summarizes both the standout developments within Brazil’s competition law and policy, as well as the Administrative Council for Economic Defense’s (CADE) approach to specific cases. It also draws attention to the perspectives and trends that companies should look out for either when doing or aiming to do business in Brazil.
All information is available in Mattos Filho’s booklet ‘Competition law and policy in Brazil: relevant developments and outlook’, which is comprised of the five following articles:
Summary of CADE’s enforcement in 2020
Our specialists present relevant and important statistics regarding CADE, which remained highly active despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Key merger control decisions
This analysis addresses cases involving digital markets – a top priority for antitrust authorities, both in Brazil and around the world.
Key conduct decisions and developments
In respect to conduct decisions, CADE has again fixed its focus upon digital markets. Its increasingly frequent use of interim measures in unilateral conduct investigations is also discussed.
Supracompetitive profits of cartels and penalties
Important developments in penalty calculation standards have led to the formation of a working group for preparing guidelines on this matter, which is expected to provide greater transparency and predictability to penalties stemming from antitrust violations.
Expectations for 2021
This analysis outlines the main expectations in 2021 regarding upcoming developments in Brazilian antitrust policy.
Please click here to access the publication.
*The summary of this article is available in French, Japanese and Italian, at this link.