New temporary entry regulations established for people traveling to Brazil
Federal government removes restrictions for those arriving from countries such as the United Kingdom, South Africa and India
On October 5, 2021, a new regulation took effect in Brazil concerning restrictions, measures, and exceptional and temporary requirements for entering the country. In an important development, travelers arriving from the United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland), South Africa, and India may enter Brazil again.
In Brazil, regulatory measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 were first introduced in a law in February 2020. As an exceptional measure, a temporary restriction was placed on entering and exiting Brazil at the time, in line with the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency’s (Anvisa) recommendations.
Following the Brazilian government’s declaration of a state of emergency in March 2020, restrictions were stepped up. Travelers arriving from countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Uruguay were all forbidden to enter the country.
In light of more changes to travel restrictions over the course of 2020, in December, travelers coming from the United Kingdom were restricted from entering Brazil. In January 2021, South Africa and India were also placed on the list of restricted countries.
However, the new regulation now opens up Brazil to travelers arriving from these countries once again, whether entering by air, land or water.
Travelers from all nationalities are currently permitted to enter Brazil by air, provided that they comply with applicable sanitary and immigratory regulations.
Upon arrival, Brazilians or foreigners who intend to enter Brazil by air must still present:
- A document demonstrating a negative or undetectable result from COVID-19 testing undertaken within the 24 hours prior to the flight that includes the antigen test type, or laboratory RT-PCR testing undertaken within the 72 hours prior to the flight – observing the new regulation’s parameters and criteria; and
- A Traveler Health Declaration (DSV), filled out within 24 hours of the flight to Brazil, agreeing to comply with compulsory sanitary measures during the entire period of stay in the country.
The new regulation does not introduce any significant changes for foreigners that enter Brazil by crossing land borders with neighboring countries. This means that certain types of people are still permitted to enter by land – for example, National Migration Registry Card (CRNM) holders or foreigners with a Brazilian spouse, partner, children or parents – in addition to other cases listed in the regulation.
Furthermore, foreigners who cross into Brazil from a border country to board a flight back to their home country may also enter, provided that they hold the necessary documentation required.
Crew members embarking on and disembarking from marine vessels or oil and gas platforms are still subject to sanitary regulations set forth by Anvisa. However, the new regulation authorizes the transportation of passengers on cruise ships as of November 1, 2021.
For further information on entry requirements and restrictions, please contact Mattos Filho’s Labor, Employment and Executive Compensation practice area.