

A culture that promotes balanced parenting in the workplace is vital to achieving gender equality in our society

We are deeply committed to developing a culture within our organization that prioritizes parenting and promotes gender equality both in our firm and in society. This commitment is why we launched EmFamília in 2020, promoting better work-life balance, a more even distribution of domestic work and care between men and women, and responsible fatherhood.

The group addresses various forms of family and kinship structures – whether biological, adoptive, or affective – and primary and secondary caregivers.

Beyond deconstructing the idea that mothers are primarily responsible for raising children, EmFamília broadens the debate to fathers and other caregivers. By doing so, we create a more inclusive space, developing relationships of trust with our professionals, which has an impact on society as well.

Leonardo Brandileone, Technology & Knowledge Officer and EmFamília sponsor
imagem focada em um casal dando as mãos, em um gesto de apoio mútuo

Parenting Program

This program provides support to professionals who are expecting children. Among other benefits, we are the first firm in Brazil to provide 60 days’ paternal leave to fathers or second caregivers, as well as up to ten days for IVF treatment, regardless of gender. EmFamília has also prepared a parenting guide and promotes group meetings.


Created in 2015 as Mattos Filho’s first affinity group, 4Women discusses, supports and carries out initiatives focused on the careers of women and their professional development, while also considering questions of intersectionality and engagement with male allies.


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