Mattos Filho releases Vade Mecum on Brazilian Aviation Law
Unprecedented compilation of regulations seeks to promote reflection in the sector on the role of law
Aiming to compile the diverse and varied regulations relevant to Brazil’s civil aviation sector and facilitate a deeper level of market integration, Mattos Filho’s Aviation practice has released Brazilian Aviation Law: Key Legislation for the Aviation Sector, an unprecedented vade mecum.
The aviation sector is complex, dynamic, challenging and extremely important to our society’s social and economic development. Every day, thousands of flights connect people, objects, goals and ideas. To ensure the industry functions harmoniously and safely, aviation authorities around the world regularly issue and update legislation at both domestic and international levels. As a result, airline operators and other players in the industry are supported by a robust legal framework, constantly in evolution.
About the initiative
Aviation has been among the hardest-hit sectors by the coronavirus pandemic, as the cooperative and connected core of the industry has been challenged by social distancing measures and impacted by a rapid decline in the movement of people.
As the sector shifts toward recovery, this publication plays an important part in reflecting on the role regulation plays in creating both incentives and obstacles within aviation, provoking a search for new solutions and nurturing the development of the industry.
Featured legislation
By organizing the main regulations on airlines, airports, private operators, pilots and auxiliary air transport services into a single document, the vade mecum is able to portray the complexity of the interactions that currently exist within the sector. The book also includes Brazil’s commitments to international conventions and recent technological innovations (such as drones), highlighting the global nature of the aviation industry.
The result of our professionals’ combined efforts, Brazilian Aviation Law: Key Legislation for the Aviation Sector features the sector’s main laws and regulations, facilitating the access of all those interested in the topic and promoting the development of the Brazilian aviation industry.
Click here to view the material in full.
For further information, please contact Mattos Filho’s Aviation practice area.