

It is only possible to fight structural racism by recognizing the different types of racism in our society and making consistent, systematic efforts in favor of the black population.

We believe that achieving racial equality in the workplace is only possible through cultural change that engages leadership, gives black people agency and encourages affirmative action. It is also important to establish metrics and indicators that continuously evaluate how effectively companies attract, develop, and retain their black professional talent.

For this reason, in 2018, we established a racial equity pillar within the firm’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program – together with Soma, the firm’s corresponding affinity group. The group promotes a more inclusive and equitable work environment for black professionals at the firm, encouraging institutional affirmative action policies, such as our Soma Talentos program.

Soma also raises awareness by partnering with anti-racism allies, supporting civil society initiatives, participating in business movements, and working in defense of ethnic and racial rights through our 100% Pro Bono practice area.

Initiatives like Soma demonstrate that the firm is aligned with contemporary racial issues, which I see as an opportunity to open up the debate and inspire other firms to promote racial equity and the engagement of white people.

Yasmin Barreto, Legal assistant – Infrastructure & Energy and part of the first Soma Talentos group

I do not remember seeing any black female lawyers when I joined the firm as a trainee in 2014. This changed after the creation of Soma and Soma Talentos. The first step was recognizing the need to be more inclusive and diverse, and I have seen the firm make efforts to move in that direction.

Higor Borges Lima, associate – Intellectual Property and member of Soma
moça negra sorri e olha para o lado

Soma talentos

As our affirmative action program for hiring self-declared black trainees and associates, Soma Talentos contributes to racial equity in the legal sector by developing black professional talents and encouraging them to take charge of their careers. Over a two-year period, the program offers selected groups of students classes in English and effective communication, a specific professional development track, and mentoring sessions with the firm’s partners.

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banner da aliança jurídica pela equidade racial

Legal Alliance for Racial Equality

Formed by the leading full-service law firms in Brazil, the initiative promotes racial equity in the legal market through coordinated action. In 2022 and 2023, we will assume the presidency and executive secretariat roles within the alliance.

homem de terno e negro manuseia um notebook apoiado em uma mesa de madeira e com um celular ao lado

Legal material and content on racial equity

Aware of the importance of accessing quality information as a tool for social transformation, we produce and publish free legal content related to the black population and racial equity, contributing to the fight against structural racism in society

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