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Alex Hatanaka

Areas of expertise
With extensive experience in commercial and civil litigation, Alex specializes in disputes related to financial and capital markets. He represents financial institutions, funds and multinationals, particularly in cross-border and complex commercial litigation, insolvency-related litigation, restructurings and class actions. Alex also assists with administrative proceedings before the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) and the Central Bank of Brazil. Prior to joining Mattos Filho, Alex served for nearly a decade in senior positions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs, where he worked with judicial and regulatory disputes and made decisions regarding transactions. He has previously worked at Sidley Austin’s New York office and at Peters and Peters in London.
Alex is a member of the Turnaround Management Association (TMA) and the INSOL International and Banking Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) – São Paulo Section.
Bachelor of Laws – Universidade de São Paulo (USP);
Bachelor of Business Administration – Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV);
Master of Commercial Laws – Universidade de São Paulo (USP);
Master of Laws (LL.M.) – London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Chambers Brazil – Bankruptcy & Restructuring (2021 – 2024) and Dispute Resolution: Litigation (2024);
Latin Lawyer 250 – Restructuring & insolvency (2023 – 2025);
The Legal 500 – Banking and Finance (2018 – 2019) and Bankruptcy and Restructuring (2018);
Análise Advocacia – Specialized Services (2018);
Benchmark Litigation – Arbitration (2018 – 2021), Commercial Transactions (2018 – 2021) and Banking & financial services (2018 – 2021);
Best Lawyers – Brazil: Arbitration and Mediation (2020 – 2021) and Global Business: Arbitration and Mediation (2020 – 2022);
GRR – Names to Know in Brazil (2020);
Lexology Index Brazil – Commercial Litigation (2024).
Restructuring and Insolvency Newsletter: August updates
Sociedade Anônima de Futebol: a tool for restructuring Brazilian football clubs
A safe harbour for derivatives close-out netting for Brazilian judicial reorganisations
Congress overturns vetoed provisions of Brazilian Bankruptcy Law reform
Brazilian President signs Bankruptcy Law
INSOL, San Diego: pitfalls and possibilities in LatAm DIP financings
Regulatory restraints on banks and antiquated insolvency frameworks are holding some Latin American countries back when it comes to debtor-in-possession financing, according to a panel of insolvency specialists at INSOL’s annual conference, but there is cause for optimism with new laws and proposed legislation creating friendlier environments in Brazil and Mexico.
Click here and read the article on Global Restructuring Review.
Areas of expertise
Brazil makes covid-19 amendments to bankruptcy law
Areas of expertise
Ex-diretor jurídico do Merrill Lynch, Hatanaka vira sócio do Mattos Filho
Ex-diretor jurídico do Merrill Lynch, Hatanaka vira sócio do Mattos Filho
Da redação
Alex Hatanaka é o novo sócio de Contencioso e Arbitragem do escritório Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga Advogados.
Ele atuará em processos judiciais e administrativos, arbitragens e negociações pré-litigiosas, com ênfase em conflitos de natureza empresarial e bancária. Hatanaka possui experiência tanto em resolução de disputas, quanto em operações nos mercados financeiro e de capitais.
O advogado veio do banco de investimentos Merrill Lynch, onde era diretor jurídico. Antes disso, ele era do concorrente Goldman Sachs. Hatanaka ainda tem passagens pelo escritório norte-americano Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP e pelo Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados.
Areas of expertise
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