


Moacir Zilbovicius

Moacir Zilbovicius

Áreas de atuação


Possui experiência em operações de fusão e aquisição (M&A) e em assuntos envolvendo direito societário, em especial de companhias abertas. Representa conglomerados domésticos e internacionais em diferentes setores da indústria. Atuou como diretor jurídico da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) e como advogado internacional do escritório Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (EUA). É membro do Conselho Consultivo da Fundação Antonio e Helena Zerrener (co-controladora da Ambev).​


Bacharelado em Direito – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).


Chambers Brazil – Corporate/M&A: The Elite (2008 – 2023)
Chambers Global – Corporate/M&A (2000 – 2024)
Latin Lawyer 250 – Corporate and M&A (2020 – 2021, 2024 – 2025) Corporate Governance (2020 e 2021)
The Legal 500 – Corporate/M&A: Hall of Fame (2023 – 2024); Leading, Individual (2012 – 2019 e 2022)
Euromoney Expert Guides – Best of the Best Latin America, M&A; Private Equity; Corporate Governance (2016 e 2019; 2022)
IFLR 1000 – Leading Lawyer: Corporate/M&A (2014, 2015 e 2017); Highly regarded: M&A (2018 – 2023)
Who’s Who Legal Brazil – M&A & Governance (2014 – 2023) e Thought Leaders Brazil: M&A & Governance (2019 – 2024)
Who’s Who Legal Global – Global Elite Thought Leaders: M&A & Governance (2020 – 2024)

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Publicações de autoria

Mattos Filho na mídia

Com Moacir Zilbovicius
Chambers & Partners

Investing In… 2021

​Brazil has a civil law system. Accordingly, and unlike the common law systems where court decisions are a principal source of law, the Brazilian legal system is based upon codified law and not upon judicial precedents. This means that, with the exception of certain appellate decisions that have general applicability, judicial decisions in Brazil are not binding precedents that must be followed by subsequent courts.

Click here and learn more. 

Áreas de Atuação

Transactional Track Record

TTR DealMaker Q&A with Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados Partner Moacir Zilbovicius

How would you assess the performance of the M&A market in Brazil in the first quarter of 2019?
The results of the presidential and congress elections last October gave the market a more optimistic scenario for M&A activities in the first quarter of 2019. In my view, although the expectations were not fully met (and in fact there was a decrease in transactions volume and aggregate value this first quarter with respect to 2018), the market was and it is still very active, especially considering the number of ongoing discussions and movements we have seen taking place. Click here and learn more.

Áreas de Atuação

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