


Eugênia Maria Menezes Pedroso

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Publicações de autoria

Mattos Filho na mídia

Com Eugênia Maria Menezes Pedroso

Mattos Filho authors the Brazilian chapter of “Getting the Deal Through: Mining 2016”

Mattos Filho authors the Brazilian chapter of “Getting the Deal Through: Mining 2016” Our partner Bruno Dario Werneck and associate Eugênia Pedroso wrote the Brazilian chapter of the 2016 edition of the British publication “Getting the Deal Through: Mining”. The chapter presents an overview of the importance of the mining industry to the economy and to the development of Brazil, highlighting legal and regulatory aspects. Getting the Deal Through: Mining 2016Authors: Bruno Dario Werneck and Eugênia Maria MenezesPublisher: Law Business ResearchYear: 2016

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